What We Do

A short answer for what we do is... We are commercializing this morphing algorithm product. Here’s how we are going to do it.

Big Picture of the Project
This project consists of three phases: costumer exploration, product design, and business model generation. We planned to execute these phases holistically. As illustrated in the diagram below, we will first explore the customer needs then enter the product design and business model creation loop.

Customer Exploration
As mentioned in the earlier part, the application for the 3D morphing technology is various and we are still exploring some more. To commercialize the algorithm, we need to first discover how the end users will use the technology and what other applications would this algorithm apply to. This is done throughout the customer exploration of our project. We will contact 3D design, engineering, and animation industries to interview the potential end users of the morphing code. Moreover, we will visit the potential customers’ workspaces if permitted to learn first-hand about the end user experience on our product.

Product Design
Based on the initial input from the interview and workspace visit, we will improve our product to match the need and feedback. The improved product, whether it will be improved in usability or features, will be tested to the participating users. We will set up survey and interview with the users for feedback and will keep iterating the design-and-customer-feedback cycle for the next versions of the product. The participating customers will have opportunity to try different use of the 3D morphing algorithm through different product interface during this phase, and also obtain a 1 year free trial of the product after it’s been commercialized.

Business Model Creation
The main purpose of this project is to find the most sustainable way to share this product to the design industry. In the business model creation phase, we will try different way to advertise and measure the effectiveness of the plan. The marketing plan will be adapted based on the customer interview and feedback on the product. This phase will iterate together with the product design phase to match the end users needs and preferences.

Prototype Version 1

Our current progress is on the customer exploration phase. Initially, we are developing our first product as a web based interface. In this initial web graphic user interface, we plan to have different 3D shapes presented as a reference shape as shown in an example below. The layout allows the users to determine the weight of each object on its contribution to the result morphed shape which is shown in the bottom of the picture.

We are approaching different design industries for end customer interview. The industries range from the automotive, to design consulting, to manufacturing, to biomedical firms, and finally to the 3D animation firms. The initial interview will help guide us on the features and approach to implement this morphing algorithm. The interview customers will be one of the first people to try the product based on this cutting edge algorithm. If participated fully from this process to the product design phase, we will offer a year subscription of the product before the commercialization. Were you interested in testing and giving input to this 3D morphing product, please contact us by email: cal.opdesign@gmail.com.


The first prototype to the morphing algorithm can be found in the URL: http://eos.molsoft.com.

This is a primitive GUI interface that can display 3D shapes and let you rotate around the shape and zoom in and out to see more or less details if the shapes. We are in the process of connecting the GUI with the morphing algorithm. Please stay tune for updates on this. But for now, feel free to play with our interface prototype!


We are in the process of finding out how you can enjoy using the interface. Here is one way to enjoy it…
1.     Click on the figures on the top of the pages (Input Objects panel) to select the 3D shape to display below.
2.     On the display panel, drag to the object to rotate. Scroll to zoom in and out. For a touch screen, drag with on finger to rotate and touch up and down with two fingers to zoom in and out, respectively.

Please let us know how this interface feels for you by emailing us: calopdesign@gmail.com. Thank you!

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