Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our first prototype is in!

The first prototype to the morphing algorithm can be found in the URL: http://eos.molsoft.com.
This is a primitive GUI interface that can display 3D shapes and let you rotate around the shape and zoom in and out to see more or less details if the shapes. We are in the process of connecting the GUI with the morphing algorithm. Please stay tune for updates on this. For now, feel free to play with our interface prototype!


We are in the process of finding out how you can enjoy using the interface. Here is one way to enjoy it…
1.     Click on the figures on the top of the pages (Input Objects panel) to select the 3D shape to display below.
2.     On the display panel, drag to the object to rotate. Scroll to zoom in and out. For a touch screen, drag with on finger to rotate and touch up and down with two fingers to zoom in and out, respectively.

Please let us know how this interface feels for you by emailing us: calopdesign@gmail.com. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Project Process

This project consists of three phases: costumer exploration, product design, and business model generation. During the first phase, we are going to perform a market research. Information about target markets or customers will be gathered. This data will help us prepare our initial business model. Market research is a key factor to maintain competitiveness over competitors, it provides important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size and competition. Market research, which includes both social and opinion research, is the systematic gathering and interpretation of information about individuals or organizations using statistical and analytical methods and techniques of the applied social sciences to gain insight or support decision making. In order to make this market research, we are contacting different companies from different industries. Our goal is to make them try the prototype that has been already developed and receive feedback from their experience. After showing the prototype to the different companies we will obtain feedback from the potential users and subsequently improve our product. Finally, once we decide and develop the final software we will come up with a business model. The business model represent core aspects of a business, including purpose, target customers, offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practices, and operational processes and policies. In order to be successful in our business model, we will be using all the information gathered during the market research. This will help us target the right industries and be competitive with other current products in the market.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What is Morphing Algorithm?

As mentioned in earlier post, this morphing algorithm finds an optimal solution (in terms of cost function) to the design improvements between two and more objects. The data flow of the algorithm can be summarized in terms of shape input, constrains, cost functions, and output shape as shown in figure below.

The algorithm itself was optimized that it runs faster that the information transmitting time. From this splendid algorithm, we are working on the way to connect it with the designers. We are in the process of discovering the users’ need on the code, and the right business model to distribute this breakthrough technology to the design world.